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I hope this finds you in good health and enjoying a prosperous 2022. 


Think for a moment what Jesus said in Acts … “it is more blessed to give than to receive.”  It is one of the cornerstones of how we operate at The Bethlehem Center.  Our primary purpose is not to convert, rather to comfort those most in need.


Please think about this question for a moment: Who will feed the Lord’s hungriest people this Thanksgiving?


Right now, inflation and the surging costs of basic goods are forcing more families to turn to us for help.  Those who were already struggling now find themselves falling further and further behind. They urgently need help.


What’s more, the same inflation means it now costs more for us to meet their needs.


That’s why The Bethlehem Center is asking for your help.


We may have turned to you in the past and you have provided generous contributions. The Bethlehem Center will feed neighbors who are hungry and help people who are homeless … unemployed … elderly … or who have simply run out of luck.


Can we count on you for a generous donation? Your gift, of any amount, will allow us to not only provide a meal on Thanksgiving, but every day.


Throughout the year, your donations help provide clothing for children in need and much needed meals and groceries for families who are struggling.


So as you make your special Thanksgiving plans, please help us prepare for families and friends who will count on us for a meal. Please send your contribution right away.


God’s Peace Be With You


Henry J. Medina



PS: Please don’t forget our community’s people in need this Thanksgiving. We urgently need your help.


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